
Luca Di Stefano

  • University assistant (Post-doc)
  •  • 
  • Technische Universität Wien
June 17, 2024

Deadline extension for FTfJP'24.

The deadline for FTfJP has been exended to June 26 (AoE)! Please consider submitting your manuscripts. From our Call for Papers:

The workshop has a broad PL theme; the most important criterion is that submissions will generate interesting discussions within this community. The term ‘Java-like’ is somewhat historic and should be interpreted broadly: FTfJP solicits and welcomes submission relating to programming languages in general, beyond Java. Past editions of FTfJP have featured work on C++, JavaScript, Rust, and other languages and calculi. The term ‘formal techniques’ has a similarly broad interpretation.

Example topics of interest include:

  • Language design and semantics
  • Type systems
  • Concurrency and new application domains
  • Specification and verification of program properties
  • Program analysis (static or dynamic)
  • Program synthesis
  • Security
  • Pearls (programs or proofs)

Contributions are sought in two categories:

  • Full Papers (6 pages, excluding references) present a technical contribution, case study, or detailed experience report. We welcome both complete and incomplete technical results; ongoing work is particularly welcome, provided it is substantial enough to stimulate interesting discussions.
  • Short Papers (2 pages, excluding references) should advocate a promising research direction, or otherwise present a position likely to stimulate discussion at the workshop. We encourage e.g. established researchers to set out a personal vision, and beginning researchers to present a planned path to a PhD.

Both types of contributions will benefit from feedback received at the workshop. Submissions will be peer reviewed, and will be evaluated based on their clarity and their potential to generate interesting discussions. Reviewing will be single blind, i.e, submissions need not be anonymized.

The format of the workshop encourages interaction. FTfJP is a forum in which a wide range of people share their expertise, from experienced researchers to beginning PhD students.

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